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Advanced Myofascial Techniques
Exploring Depths of Myofascial Work
Anna Gammal and Roger Olbrot are pleased to announce that they will be teaching an Advanced Myofascial Techniques class in Bountiful Utah. This 20 hour class will help you explore the use of myofascial techniques for the following; TMJ disorders, headaches, upper limb neurological conditions, working with herniated discs, SI Joint dysfunction, and scar tissue work. Learn ways to use myofascial techniques in novel ways to assist eliminating pain and discomfort and increase range of motion in the aforementioned body parts. CEU credits earned.
FSMTB Approved Class
Location: Intermountain Massage Therapy College, Bountiful, Utah (181 North 200 West).
Dates: Friday, 11/10/23– Saturday, 11/11/23
Times: 8:30 am -6:30pm
Price: $400
A $100 deposit will hold your space. (It becomes non-refundable after 10/31/23) The balance is due the day of the class. You will be invoiced for the deposit and the remainder. You can pay with any major credit card.
To Bring: Tables will be required. Bring a top and bottom sheet, head rest cover, bolster or pillow, lotion but no oil or gel, and a desire to learn some exciting new techniques!
About Us: Anna and Roger have been teaching together for 18 years. They we co-directors for the massage at the Athens Olympics/Paralympics. They have taught hundreds of physical therapists in Europe and massage therapists in the USA. They are dedicated to teaching high quality techniques with a knack of having lots of fun doing so.